Titan Roofing & Construction brings you some of the best tips and tricks, home and building maintenance guides, as well as educational articles. Check out our blog for helpful home improvement advice and find out how to best take care of your residential or commercial roofing system and the entire property.

What Is the Average Life Expectancy of a Shingle Roof in Jackson, TN?
Protecting your home in Jackson, TN, primarily depends on having a sturdy and long-lasting roof. Hence, it is essential for homeowners to have an understanding of the typical lifespan of shingle roofs in order to properly plan for roof maintenance, repairs, or even...
Top Six Roofing Problems for Jackson, TN Homeowners
Residents of Jackson adore their city, and that’s a commonly known fact. However, this local patriotism largely stems from another well-known fact, which is that Jackson, which is located between Memphis and Nashville, is the place where Rockabilly music was born, a...
What’s the Cheapest Time of Year to Replace Your Roof?
To generate an accurate estimate, one must first collect and sort the data that will be utilized to identify the required resources (materials, labor, and tools). Based on this information, the estimator then applies prices, contingencies, and profit, but the...
Is It Time for a Roof Repair: Be on the Lookout for These Issues
The roof of your building is the most crucial part of your business, as it protects from the weather and other outside elements. Like every business owner or manager, you probably understand the importance of proper roof maintenance. In order to maintain a commercial...
How to Know Whether to Repair or Replace Your Jackson, TN Commercial Roof
Running a business requires a lot on your shoulders, and anticipating all kinds of issues requires the calmness and focus that only entrepreneurs have. So to help you discern and give you a deeper insight into the condition of your commercial roof, we decided to share...
Does Your Commercial Roof Need Repairs? 5 Warning Signs of Roof Damage
Maintaining your commercial roof condition is a way to keep your business functioning productively and effectively. As the building owner, you have a responsibility to create a safe environment for everyone in the building. When your roof is not comfortably safe for...
6 Hidden Dangers of Water Leaks
Water leaks are somehow seen as a minor problem. However, water leaks are generally because of roof problems or broken pipes. There are several reasons your roof or pipe is starting to leak, including corrosion, natural force, inadequate fixing, and many more. Water...
Benefits of Installing a New Roof On Your Jackson Home
Having your own house is one of the most typical wishes for many, which is not surprising since owning a home gives a special pride to its owners. Furthermore, owning a house offers unimaginable possibilities and is, at the same time, an excellent investment for...
5 Things to Know About Commercial Metal Roofing
Many businesses realized the benefits of commercial metal roofs over the past couple of years. Some pick them for longevity, while others aim to reduce their carbon footprint. However, there are still some people who believe in misconceptions about metal roofs. The 6...
How to Recognize Hail Damage on Roof Systems?
Hail causes a lot of damage to roofs every year. They can’t hide from freezing projectiles, so they have to endure. Sometimes they do. But sometimes they don’t, and then hail damage ruins the building owner’s month. What's happening on residential and commercial roofs...