Titan Roofing & Construction

Metal Roof Coatings
Metal roofing coatings are a popular choice for many commercial buildings in Tennessee. There are many advantages to a metal roof coatings. It is light weight and can be applied on a pitched rafter. Some of the down side to metal rof coatings is that over time it starts to rust and has many penetration points to leak from. Metal roofing can be difficult to replace and leaves a structure very exposed during replacement.
Titan Roofing & Construction has had great success using a variety of Roof System Coatings to restore metal roofs in Tennessee. Our roof coatings allow the existing structure to stay in place and the business to continue running during restoration.
Considering A Metal Roof Coating?
Metal roofing coatings are a common way to protect your metal roof in the United States. Many times metal roof coatings can extend the life of your roof until you are ready for a roof replacement. Contact us for a free inspection you find out if roof coatings can work for your roof!
Metal roofing coatings help companies like Conklin become the largest manufacturer of roof coatings by volume in the world today. Companies like Conklin have helped pioneer the roof coatings system going all of the way back to before 1977. These style coatings are designed for strength and longevity. Metal roof coatings are engineered for exceptional durability and tensile strength. They have leading-edge elastic properties and are resistant to strong wind, hail, solar deterioration & more!
Companies that apply metal roof coatings work hand in hand with The Energy Star Alliance to develop LEED building products. Metal roof coatings are most often chosen as the premier product to offset carbon footprint and reduce operational costs for major facilities. These coatings form attractive, seam-free, energy-efficient top layer. The new membrane is white, cool roof and it can reflect up to 85% of the sun’s heat. Metal roof coatings can give you as much as 30% yearly A/C cost saving and are ENERGY STAR® & LEED Green Building certified
Metal roof coatings can relieve the burden of traditional roof replacement. Take into consideration the process of traditional roof replacement and you will rest easy knowing the benefits of a roof restoration with our roof coatings. These coatings can avoid the liability involved with roof tear-of and there is no need for tear-off to get project up to code. They don’t count as another layer in most building codes and there is no negative effect on building’s structure
15 Warfield Cove, Jackson, 38305 TN