Jackson TN Roofers Explain: What to Expect During a Roof Inspection?| Titan Roofing & Construction

There comes a time in every homeowner’s life when you have to inspect the roof of the house. Actually, this should be a regular thing. Your roof is what is keeping your house safe from potentially damaging weather conditions – some are more subtle, like heat waves and UV rays, others are more obvious, such as wind, rain, or even hail.

Roof maintenance should never be overlooked or skipped. Your best bet is to perform a regular roof inspection every year, before or after harsher weather conditions. For example, if you know there are heavy rains coming, have an inspection before they go into full effect.

Similarly, if your home has gone through a storm, a roof inspection is definitely necessary – and you will probably be able to see the damage done and know in advance that repairs will have to get done.

There are other reasons for a mandatory roof inspection. If you have just purchased a new home, are selling your current one, or changing home insurance providers, this is the right time for a roof inspection.

But what does that inspection actually entail and why is it important to have professionals do it? Read on to find out!


Stay Safe and Don’t Go the DIY Route

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of not performing a full roof inspection by yourself. While initial preparations and some visual inspection can be conducted by the homeowner, the real work should be left to the pros like those at Titan Roofing & Construction, the best roofing contractor in Jackson TN.

The main reason is safety. If you are not a skilled roofing professional, there are countless things that could go wrong and leave you heading for the emergency room. One simple slip and you could fall off the roof.

You were probably thinking that doing it by yourself would save you money, right? In the long run, not only could you hurt yourself and end up with lengthy medical bills, but you could do even more damage to your roof which means more repair work and additional cost.


What the Professionals Will Do

Roof inspectors will begin their checkup of your roof by initially looking at both the exterior and interior of your home. Inside the house, they will look at ceilings and interior walls for possible signs of water damage and visible leaks. On the outside of your property, they will look for damage such as leakage stains on the exterior walls.

They will also inspect the roof overhangs to see if there is any termite damage or wood rot, as well as look at the roof overhangs and eaves.

After those two steps, professional roofers will climb the roof and perform the main part of their inspection. They will check for the following:

  • Damaged, worn out, missing, or broken shingles and tiles
  • Possible rust on roof flashing or other signs of deterioration
  • Debris or vegetation on the roof
  • Cracked seals around all roof penetrations, such as pipes, attic vents, and plumbing vents
  • Clogged gutters
  • Clogged roof valleys


One of the most common issues found during a roof inspection is clogged gutters, usually with leaves, branches, and dirt. This debris that accumulates in the gutters stops the water from draining from the roof, and this could mean harm to not only the gutters but shingles and tiles, as well.

Another key issue, perhaps even more common, is a roof leak. Leaks are typically the result of missing and damaged shingles or tiles.

Damaged seals are also often found during an inspection, as sealants around the pipes and vents that stick out of the roof could have an opening that is causing leaks.


Time to Take Action

The right time to take action is before any significant damage begins happening. This is why it is important to run preliminary inspections of your roof and perform them regularly. Have your roof inspected at least once every year, but it is recommended that you do it twice a year.

Calling the experts to perform a roof inspection is a wise investment into the value of your home, whether you are selling your house or just want your home to be in optimal condition.

And with the finest Jackson TN roof inspection professionals performing a checkup of your roof, you are choosing the best option for your safety and quality home maintenance.

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