Blog | Titan Roofing & Construction




Titan Roofing & Construction brings you some of the best tips and tricks, home and building maintenance guides, as well as educational articles. Check out our blog for helpful home improvement advice and find out how to best take care of your residential or commercial roofing system and the entire property.

Roofing Issues to Look Out for When Buying a House

When purchasing a new home, there are many aspects of the house that one must look at before deciding to buy. And while many buyers pay attention to details inside the house, they often overlook the roof.  Since the roof is one of the house's most essential...

Best Ways to Minimize Storm Damage on Your Property

When a storm hits your area, you can do nothing to prevent it as the weather is out of our control. And, unfortunately, many homeowners will inevitably be faced with some form of storm damage to their property.    However, there are several ways in which you can try...

3 Reasons Why Roof Repair Should Be Your Top Priority

All homeowners know that maintaining their homes is never a small task. When it comes to your house, there is always something to do, some repair and maintenance tasks, or simply some cleaning that you have to get around to. And among those home maintenance tasks,...

How to Tell When You Need a Roof Replacement

Many homeowners only really start to consider a roof replacement when the roof begins to leak. Sometimes, these roof leaks are a clear sign that you need a new roof.  However, they are not the only indicators for a roof replacement. Other signs on your roof or even...

What to Do When Hail Damages Your Jackson TN Roof

When a hailstorm hits your area, it can leave your property in Jackson TN significantly damaged. And dealing with the aftermath of this hailstorm can be stressful for any homeowner.   In stressful situations, many are not sure what steps to take and what the best...

Advantages of Commercial Metal Roofing in Jackson TN

Metal roofing is a popular roofing solution for commercial buildings in Jackson TN and an increasing number of facility managers, property owners, and business owners are choosing them for their property. It is a very economical, durable, and aesthetically appealing...


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